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Thank you again for being the catalyst for my success in reading. Your DVD series is great. I have always struggled with what to do with the vowels. Not knowing the vowel sounds and blends was my biggest obstacle. What worked best for me was to hear the letter sounds at the same time I read the words. Being able to play the information over and over again, helped me to grasp the concept of blending sounds. The pictures were also helpful in helping me to visualize the sounds.

When looking for a program on the internet, I found several reading programs out there. What stood out for me on your website was "self taught reading program", which would allow me to pursue my goals in private. (I was too embarrassed to ask anyone I knew for help.)

If you would identify me as "John", I would not have any problem with your using my letter on your website. I would prefer you not use my full name, or give out my e-mail address, but I would be glad to respond to anyone's questions if you send me their e-mail address.
